To Offer Quality Investigative Inspections and Audits

Fertilizer | Discharge | Tally | Condition | Survey | Ivory Coast

Fertilizer Handling Inspections

From inspection of loading/ discharging equipment, sealing and unsealing of hatches, visual inspection and examination of hardness and damage, Weight determination of cargo through initial and final surveys, cargo tally and inspection of ship’s cargo holds. We are here to ensure that you do not loose your cargo due to damage/ pilferage


Condition and Tally Survey

Our surveyor check the condition of fertilizer before and after discharge. We monitor and document any incidents occurrences from rough handling by stevedores and advises/ LOP issued. Our surveyors count each and every bag for bagged fertilizer, ensuring high accuracy.

Fertilizer imports through the ports of Abidjan is the greatest enabler to the economy of Ivory Coast and regional states, our surveyors, are also farmers back at home, we use DAP fertilizers, UREA, and CAN to grow our plants and animal fodder, it is our duty to ensure that the we check the quality of fertilizers imported and against damages, this way we build trust between our farmers and fertilizer producers and shippers by keeping the most needed transparency in the global logistic chain. We report with impartiality and accuracy as sighted.

Bagged Fertilizer Discharged by Slings
Bagged Fertilizer inside ship cargo hold
Crane Lifting Bagged Fertilizer for Truck Loading

Ship Weight Determination

Immediately a ship receives free pratique our surveyors meet ship chief officer and jointly take draft readings and, carry out accurate tank soundings; applying all laws of physics in determining weight of a ship and her arrival cargo quantities. Our surveyors remain available throughout a ship’s stay in the port for any required intermediate draft surveys, towards the completion of discharge our surveyors board the vessel for final draft surveys.

We ensure that accurate BL quantity/Stowage Plan is discharged/ loaded at anytime for vessels loaded with shore scale and planned to discharge in multiple ports

You Should Expect Our Timely Updates

Truck Loading

Condition Survey

Discharge Survey

Available for Consultancy Services on Cargo Handling, Shortage Investigation and Loss Minimisation

Handling of Cargo require Expertise, we check to ensure that effective skills and experience in cargo handling is utilized to avoid tearing of bags, minimise/ eliminate losses to already destroyed bags, and provide safety to cargo and the ship.

Our Discharge Surveys Cargo Superintendents are always ready to help you avoid losses.

Do you have any inquiry? Kindly Feel Free to write to Mr. Jared here

Observater Group

Where Nothing Goes Unnoticed.

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Open Hours

MonSat: Always Open
Sun: 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Other Services

Marine Surveys
Insurance Surveys

